Best Diet & Nutrition Hospital in Banjara Hills
- Evidence-based nutritional counselling is provided to ensure comprehensive nutrition care for all Outpatients through Tele consultations/Physical consultation and to Inpatients.
- Address a range of medical and nutrition related conditions. We give pre-pregnancy nutritional advice for attaining optimal BMI, alongside other conditions like PCOD/PCOS, Anaemia.
- Preterm infant nutrition: As part of a joint initiative with the neonatology OPD, we provide free nutritional counselling for preterm infants.
- Kangaroo Mother Care Unit: We provide nutrition support for women participating in Kangaroo Mother Care.
- Support antenatal women presenting with diabetes, multiple pregnancy, Low BMI, Anaemia, kidney disorders or critical care with appropriate therapeutic diets.
- Conducts Childbirth Nutrition classes to prepare women to have better nutrition for a healthy pregnancy and to attain optimal BMI and better foetal Nutrition.
- Also address dietary requirements of breastfeeding mothers, infants, children, adolescents, and geriatric patients.
Dietetics & Clinical Nutrition
Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Fernandez Hospital, provides quality and evidence-based patient-focused nutritional care in terms of food service and medical nutrition therapy.
Our vision is to be a Centre of Excellence in Nutrition with evidence-based practices to provide excellent care for women and children.
Our efforts are not limited to just individual counselling. By taking part in, or organising group activities or events, we reach out to a large group of people.
Inpatient Services
We conduct nutritional assessments for all our patients by reviewing medical history, diet history, and laboratory results. We plan appropriate balanced meals and provide nutritional counselling that complement medical treatment.
Nutrition counselling
We recommend exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and introduce complementary feed for optimal infant nutrition.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Management
Our Therapeutic Lifestyle Change programme (TLC) is one of the most in-demand services. It is targeted for conditions like obesity, PCOD, infertility, Postnatal weight loss. menopause. post-surgical rehabilitation, etc. This programme is available to men and women committed to modifying their lifestyle.
Research and education
We are committed to advancing the field of clinical nutrition. In collaboration with other organisations, we conduct research based nutritional interventions to improve the health of women and infants.
To train the next generation of nutritionists and dieticians we offer internships to postgraduate students in the field of Diet and Nutrition.
We conduct guest lectures for nutrition students and practicing dieticians in various institutions.
In addition, we also impart nutrition education to medical, paramedical, and catering staff.
Meet our Team
Our team of Registered nutritionists and certified dieticians are well versed in nutrition, food science, communication techniques and behavioural change strategies. We work as a team to maintain the highest quality of care.
Dr Latha Sashi
Dr Latha Sashi has been a Consultant Nutritionist at Fernandez Hospital for the past 17 years. Dr. Latha's speciality is Pregnancy and Post-Natal Nutrition, Maternal and Paediatric Nutrition, Customized Medical Nutrition Therapy Packages for Overweight and Obesity, Gestational Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, Osteoporosis, Infertility, Hormone Imbalance and Menopause.
She is a recipient of the Outstanding Young Scientist Award by Nutrition Society of India: A N Radha National Award in 2011 and an International Award at Sydney in 2012.
Asma Sajid
A Registered Dietician with experience as a clinical nutritionist from multi-speciality hospitals . She joined the Nutrition Dept team at Fernandez Hospital in 2014. She specialises in critical care nutrition. Her other areas of expertise include Maternal and Pediatric Nutrition, Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Hepatorenal disorders, Cancer, Obesity and Lifestyle management.
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Information Leaflets.
Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnant Woman with Glucose Intolerance

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Dietary Guidelines for Anaemia

Complementary Feeding in Preterm Infants

Complementary Feeding

Healthy Postnatal Diet

Recipe Booklet

PCOS Dietary Guidelines

Restricted Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Diabetic Dietary Guidelines

Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Weight Management