  • Visit Fernandez's new Outpatient Clinic at Necklace Road, Sec'bad. Slots are now open; Call 040 4780 7575 for appointments.
  • Centralized appointments are now available 24x7, call toll free 1800 419 1397 for assistance. Please click here to book an appointment for your consultation.

Our Services

    Fernandez OP Clinic, Hyderguda

    The Foetal Medicine Unit (FMU) at Fernandez Hospital was started in 1998 with the aim of providing diagnostic and therapeutic services to women with a previous history of maternal fetal conditions, as well as for women who require fetal medical intervention, due to problems with the present pregnancy.

    The lowercase unit is the first in AP & Telangana State to perform intra-uterine fetal blood transfusion for Rh isoimmunization pregnancies. So far, 16 Hyphenate intra-uterine. blood transfusions have been performed. In the case of 11 patients, 9 have had successful pregnancies.

    Fetal Medicine Services

    • Specialized Fetal ultrasound.
    • Prenatal screening (Fetal Health Check / Non-invasive; prenatal testing / Quadruple marker biochemical screening).
    • Prenatal diagnostic procedures (Amniocentesis / Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) / Intra-uterine blood transfusion).


    Fetal Medicine OP

    Fetal medicine outpatient clinic is run by 3 of our experienced fetal medicine experts, functions 3 days a week

Information Leaflets.

First Trimester Fetal Health Check

Click here to download the PDF Document.

Multiple Pregnancies

Click here to download the PDF Document.
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