Meet Our Specialists
Our doctors, midwives and therapists are highly skilled, knowledgeable, and empathetic. They believe strongly in our mission and vision of providing respectful and equitable healthcare to the mothers and new-borns.
Dr Venigalla Rama
Experience | 8 Years-
- MBBS, DGO, DNB, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Obstetric Medicine
Dr Priyanka Mallidi
Experience | 7 Years-
Fetal Medicine
- MBBS, DNB (OBGY), FNB (Maternal and Fetal Medicine)
Dr Venigalla Rama
Experience | 8 Years-
- MBBS, DGO, DNB, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Obstetric Medicine
Dr Priyanka Mallidi
Experience | 7 Years-
Fetal Medicine
- MBBS, DNB (OBGY), FNB (Maternal and Fetal Medicine)