• Visit Fernandez's new Outpatient Clinic at Necklace Road, Sec'bad. Slots are now open; Call 040 4780 7575 for appointments.
  • Centralized appointments are now available 24x7, call toll free 1800 419 1397 for assistance. Please click here to book an appointment for your consultation.
  • Visit Fernandez's new Outpatient Clinic at Necklace Road, Sec'bad. Slots are now open; Call 040 4780 7575 for appointments.
  • Centralized appointments are now available 24x7, call toll free 1800 419 1397 for assistance. Please click here to book an appointment for your consultation.
  • Visit Fernandez's new Outpatient Clinic at Necklace Road, Sec'bad. Slots are now open; Call 040 4780 7575 for appointments.
  • Centralized appointments are now available 24x7, call toll free 1800 419 1397 for assistance. Please click here to book an appointment for your consultation.
Necklace Road OP
  • Miyapur OP
  • Stork Home - Banjara Hills
  • Bogulkunta
  • Hyderguda
  • Hyderguda OP
  • Necklace Road OP

Ancillary Services in Necklace Road, Secunderabad

    Besides the gamut of regular services offered under maternity, gynaecology, midwifery and neonatology, the hospital also offers several ancillary services which include:

    • Lactation Counselling
    • Laboratory Services
    • Kangaroo Mother Care
    • Human Milk Bank

    The hospital also provides specialty clinics for pre-pregnancy counselling, twin pregnancies, OBSMED team counselling and medical subspecialty clinics which include:

    • Endocrinology (including Paediatric endocrinology)
    • General Medicine
    • Gastroenterology
    • General Surgery (including Paediatric Surgery)
    • Dermatology (including Paediatric Dermatology)
    • Pediatric Orthopaedics
    • Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Clinic
    • Rheumatology
    • Development Behavioural Therapy

    Breast Milk is the best for the newborn! It is the most complete food available and has all the essential ingredients in the correct proportions for healthy growth and development. It has several advantages for the baby and the mother. Although breastfeeding brings its own unique rewards, it is an art that must be learned.

    To prepare the mothers for breastfeeding well before they handle their babies, awareness classes are being conducted at Fernandez Hospital in all the units for the expecting mothers. To make all the mothers confident in breastfeeding, we at Fernandez Hospital, have lactation counsellors and nurses trained in lactation to help the mothers round the clock to make your journey smooth and happy.

    For breastfeeding concerns, you can contact our Lactation Helpline at:

    Bogulkunta 80085 70469
    Hyderguda 83740 04848
    Banjara Hills 83740 05353

    or mail us at: lactline@fernandez.foundation

    You can also help other needy mothers to nourish their babies by donating excess breast milk. Fernandez Hospital has a “Human milk bank”, where milk is collected, screened, processed by borns. It gives you the satisfaction of helping sick and premature babies for their survival and early discharge from hospital. It is a service to humanity.

    Please contact +91 - 80085 70465 for further information.

    The Laboratory Services at Fernandez Hospital is provided by state-of-the art laboratory equipment and technologies, dedicated primarily to the support of all the clinical services offered to our clients round the clock across all the 5 units..

    The laboratory conducts about 700 tests daily and is well equipped and automated to carry out routine as well as special investigations.

    • Clinical Biochemistry and Immunoassay
    • Hematology and Clinical Pathology
    • Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Serology
    • Sample Collection and Laboratory Quality Assurance

    Our Clinical team consists of Pathologists, Biochemists, Microbiologists, technologists and technicians and other laboratory staff who are well experienced, committed to provide accurate, precise, and on-time results using modern test methodologies and benchmark technologies that are consistent with the best practices around the world. Our high-end technology is put to the test during medical emergencies, where time is a critical factor. Accurate and reproducible results are then flashed through the LAN for easy access by doctors.

    The laboratory services are NABL (National Accreditation Board of Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited, and we strive for continuous quality improvement with daily quality control checks and participates in both at national and international EQAS (External Quality Assurance Scheme) Programs. The laboratory is actively involved in the infection control activities of the hospital. In addition, it provides pathology and hospital infection control training to nurses and paramedical students.

    The sample processing is centralized at FH-Hyderguda and Stork home with specimen collection and report dispatch available in all the units, handled by courteous and skilled staff.

    The Andrology laboratory at Stork Home, Banjara Hills, has a separate lab with trained personnel dealing with infertility cases where IUIs are routinely performed.

    Online report delivery is available for all the registered clients to ease reports access as and when approved. The laboratory services at Fernandez Hospital serve its clients by selecting and outsourcing to licensed reference laboratories to perform tests that are not available at Fernandez Hospital.

    Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is a technique that requires the mother to hold her newborn wrapped to her chest in a 24-hour, skin-to-skin contact, the way a kangaroo keeps its young one in its pouch after it is born. KMC is popular in many developing countries like Colombia, the Philippines, and South Africa.

    Babies with low birthweight (LBW) need extra special care, which is initially provided as intensive care in a critical care unit. Once they stabilize, most LBW babies just need to be kept warm. Conventionally, babies are kept warm in an incubator where they are separated from their mothers for days. In KMC, the babies are wrapped to their mother's chest with a special broad strap. This skin-to-skin contact keeps them as warm as they would be in an incubator. Additionally, it makes them physiologically more stable, enables them to bond better with their mother, have fewer serious infections, go home sooner, and breastfeed better and longer. Studies have shown that KMC babies catch up with their normal growth rate faster than babies kept in an incubator.

    Fernandez Hospital is a pioneer of Kangaroo Mother Care in Telangana and is the first private hospital to offer continuous KMC. The hospital has a special KMC Ward where mothers of low birthweight babies are initiated into Kangaroo Mother Care. The concept is gaining increasing acceptance by new parents.

    Breast Milk has been shown by many research studies to be the absolute best food for babies.It confers many protective health benefits that, amazingly, continue well into adult life. Fernandez Hospital believes it is vital that breast milk should be available for the newborn until the mother is able to feed the baby herself.

    We run a Donor Milk Bank that receives milk from other mothers. The milk is very carefully screened, in a manner like the way Blood Banks screen donors. New mothers at Fernandez Hospital are often happy to help others who may be experiencing difficulties. So, after they have fed their own babies, they express the extra milk into special containers. This milk is then pasteurized, screened, and stored in a deep freezer. When the need arises and with prior consent, the frozen milk is thawed and fed to the newborn that needs it.

Information Leaflets.